QReg5 Design System

Custom views

The registration overview can be configured to show more views than "Continue to register". These views are displayed as tabs.

Common criteria in the platform for all views is that they only show care processes that have a given status and belong to the current unit (i.e. at least one process step performed by the unit).

Custom View Examples

The custom views are defined according to search criteria based on the needs of the registry.

Examples of custom views in a care process registry

Custom views may consist of:

  • Care processes where variable X in step Y has the value Z, e.g. a variable in a registration that indicates that the patient is on the operation waiting list

  • Care processes where specific steps have been signed, e.g. all mandatory steps and where the registry's rules allow the submission of a follow-up registration


The care process view also allows adding one or several filters, which the user can manage dynamically.

Example of a custom view with date filtering

Currently, the platform features the following predefined filters:

  • Date filters (from and/or to date)